
The Color Guard

Community and civic organizations may request ceremonial support from the Marine Corps League Detachment 1277, for participation in appropriate events. The Color Guard is generally a four-member formation – consisting of the National Colors, the Marine Corps League Detachment Colors, and two rifle bearers. The Color Guard is responsible for rendering appropriate military honors. This traditional formation adds dignity to any military-related activity, parade, or civic event by showing respect to our Nation and those who have served. To have your event considered, please submit your request between 30 to 90 days before your event to the Color Guard Commander.


The Honor Guard

The Primary mission of the Marine Corps League Detachment 1277 Honor Guard is to provide military honors for veterans from all branches of service at their funerals or memorial services. All  ceremonies are provided in a manner that maintains military traditions and demonstrates pride for the United States of America, the Marine Corps, our uniform, and veterans, past and present. The Military Honors ceremonies are conducted so that the veterans’ families and friends will recognize the appreciation that a grateful nation has for the sacrifices made by their loved ones, for our flag and country. The official Ceremony consists of the following: The Rendering of Honors to the deceased veteran and the family upon arrival, Rifle Salute, Playing of “Taps”, Optional Presentation and Folding of the American Flag. (All of this takes approximately 15 minutes). To have your event considered, please submit your request by contacting the Color Guard Commander.


Joining The Guard

The Marine Corps League Color & Honor Guard Detachment 1277 meets the third Thursday every month at 6pm at the San Fernando American Legion Post 176. The Detachment Honor Guard is open to all current detachment members and interested honorably discharged Marines/FMF Corpsmen (with a copy of your DD-214). Anyone wishing to join or like more information should contact the Color Guard Commander.

You can still make a difference

Whether you served recently or 50 years ago and have a sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself, then check out the Marine Corps League of the San Fernando Valley