Los Angeles County Pound 389


The MODD promotes good fellowship amongst the members of the different Marine Corps League Detachments. It provides amusement and entertainment at all gatherings of the League, when and where advisable.
It preserves and strengthens the principles and ideals of the League and maintains true allegiance to the United States of America and its Constitution and laws. The MODD is very active in raising funds for different charities with an emphasis on children's charities.


Joining The MODD

The MODD is comprised of only regular members of the Marine Corps League, in good standing, who have been recommended for membership by their Detachment Commandant and two members of the MODD, either Devil Dogs or Pedigreed Devil Dogs. Each prospective member is voted on by members of the Pound then undergoes a series of initiations.
First as a Pup, in their Pound (the local organization), then as a Devil Dog in their Pack (the State organization), and finally as a Pedigreed Devil Dog at the Supreme Growl held in conjunction with the National Convention of the League. Each degree must be held for one full year before candidacy for the next degree may be considered. Advancement is not automatic after one year, it must be earned, it is a privilege, NOT a right.

Anyone wishing to join or like more information should contact the MODD Pound Keeper.